
The Five Fundamental Works of Spiritism

It was the first and remains the most important Spiritist book. Containing The Principles of Spiritist Doctrine on the Immortality of the Soul; The Nature of Spirits and their Relations with the corporeal world; The Moral Laws; The Present Life, the Future life and The Destiny of the Human Races.

A discussion of the means of communicating with the invisible world, the development of mediumship and the difficulties encountered in the practice of spiritism. In this tome the experimental and investigative features of the doctrine are presented, explained and taught.

The Gospel (Explained by the Spiritist Doctrine) contains the explanation for the moral maxims of Christ, their concordance with Spiritism and their application in various circumstances of life.

Miracles and Predictions According to Spiritism. It reconciles science and religion and develops a series of important scientific and philosophical topics, relating them to Spiritism.